How do I Know if I'm Adequately Covered?

Changing lifestyles… growing needs. Periodically it’s important to take time to assess your benefit needs. You may have certain needs this year that you didn’t have last year or the year before.

Here are a few lifestyle changes that can impact your benefit needs:

  • Marriage. Wedding bells should be a signal to re-evaluate your insurance needs. Are your combined incomes enough to protect you financially if one or both of you are unable to work for an extended period of time due to a disability? Also, it may not be something we want to think about, but what if you or your spouse were to die? Certainly you want a solid foundation of protection for the one that you love.
  • Children. Raising a family is a big undertaking, and you want to be sure your children are adequately protected. Is your coverage sufficient in the event your child suffers an accident or sickness? Does your life insurance provide enough to protect your family’s way of life?
  • A new home. A major investment such as this can burn a big hole in your paycheck. What if you had an accident that prevented you from working? Would you still be able to make mortgage payments, pay other bills and keep food on the table?
If you have experienced any of the above lifestyle changes, you may be in need of additional insurance protection. Your group health insurance is an excellent foundation, but there may be gaps in your coverage that supplemental insurance can help fill.
  How do I Know if I'm Adequately Covered?

  What is Supplemental Insurance?

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